Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It is time!

..for me to start blogging again.. .I was inspired by Betsy's "Confessions of a 30 something mom"

...This is the beginning of "Confessions of a 40 something mama"...

I got a tattoo (see picture) in honor of my 40th birthday...I only have wanted this for about a year, but I put much thought into the design. I am a very thankful person...to God, to my family, to my friends. I am thankful to be alive, and to be part of a great support system. I also love language, and culture.
Thank you dear Vic, for helping make this happen.

I am working on writing my personal mission statement for an assignment at work, and it is a lot harder that I expected!

I want to run away to the beach sometimes...If I turn up missing, look along the warm coastlines....that could take a while, there are many of them, but I am giving a tiny heads up that this just may happen some day.

I sometimes think horrible thoughts about the demise of my smelly dog...

Like Betsy, I must admit that I love the BeeGees , and ABBA also...

I often am driving somewhere and have no clue where I am going... that happens a lot and it scares me. ( I actually drove Luke to guitar lessons one time, looked in the back seat about 5 miles into the trip when Luke did not answer a question I asked him , and realized that I left him at home!)

I like simplicity in many things...

You would probably be surprised by my political views, which I rarely share ...

I am in denial about a few things, to be shared in a later post, possibly, maybe, if I decide to ...

I like to play games that you can have a conversation during, such as Mexican train dominoes, I could play that for hours and hours...

I am not good at forgiving myself.

I feel that my best asset as a mother is my ability to love, and quickly forgive my children for their mistakes and poor choices...I would like to be able to offer that to myself.

I am often, in fact very often misunderstood...