This is a post from October that is a continuing "confessions of a..."- just thought I would post it.
I am writing this on my lunch break at work...
Yesterday someone let me know how cute of a pregnant mom I am... ( I have not been pregnant for 15 years, but at least they thought I looked cute, I guess...) Actually this comment will not get out of my head!!! The person walked up to me and said flowing with syrupy compliment "Oh my goodness look at you!" and patted both sides of my stomach!
I think a lot about bacteria and where it is lurking in my workspace...probably explains why I am not practicing nursing.
I could watch my kids do things they love for days on end...that is why I am a good sports mama to Luke, because he usually is having a blast, and I love watching them do things that make them fell confident, I could watch Leah write her poetry/lyrics, and watch Lyndsay cut and color hair all day.It is a lot easier to pack up a chair and a blanket to watch Luke than what the girls are doing now...
I love beans! Why is that so embarrassing? I just do, every kind! I would eat them all the time!