Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bagel Trials and Dreams...

The day I rolled out these bagels on my first "Bagel Trial" I felt so inspired...The reason for the trials started with me talking about how I would love to open a Bagel shop someday...and Luke said "Do you even know how to make bagels?" and I realized I never had really made them on my own, I had made them with a friend, and watched them being made, so I thought I better try, and it was so inspiring and they turned out great, in taste, need to work on the shape a bit. As I have been thinking about what my dreams are, I really need to break it may be that I want to document my bagel trials and beyond by photojournaling my cooking experiences, I tend to do that and I love may be that I want to be around people in a setting different than I am in, it may be that I want to create and share! I love the feeling of creating food and the responses I get, and how it gathers people together... So number one bagel trial is making me think I need to have number two bagel trial and see what it brings... I will keep you posted...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chel sells seashells by the seashore...

On my Facebook status recently I said, "Chel wants to sell seashells by the seashore, yeah that's my retirement plan"...


That is all I have to say today...

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It may get worse before it gets better...

...that is what I keep telling myself.

There is a lot going on in my life right now, those of you who are close to me probably know what is going on, those of you who don't can ask, I will tell you if you want to know...

I am sure that if you know me , it is not a shock for me to confess that I worry too much, that I worry about what others think, about what I said, how I reacted, who I did or didn't include, who I hurt, who I offended, who I forgot, how I look, the impression that others have on anything from my family to my crappy car... I am constantly apologizing for these things... Recently I realized that it really confuses me when I apologize sometimes, it is almost like I am giving an excuse for myself, or not confident enough in my actions.

Right now the things that we are going through as a family are enhancing these emotions ten fold. I am so worried about how others are going to accept or reject us when some of these things become very public, which I am sure will be the case. I wonder if there is a way for me to overcome these feelings that I am having. Is this just something that is a part of my personality? Is this something I can truly give over to God, and let him handle, and why do I feel like I have to hold on to it. One thing that I know I always feel is that, "it is my responsibility, I can fix this, I do not need help." - and the other is the finding the line between what I need to do to take responsibility and having faith that he will provide a way.

I also find that because of all the heaviness in the stuff we are going through that I am damaging some friendships, that I am allowing all this stress to take over, and it seems to make me selfish, in conversation, in thought processes. I find that I rather just avoid "real" conversations for fear of turning all the attention on me. I forget to turn the tables and focus on others, yet when I do it seems as if things get worse, like I ignored it for too long, and like an unattended fire it keeps on burning. For example, we had dear friends come in from out of state recently, and some of this situation was at its height (I hope)- and rather than addressing it, I decided to just push it aside for the visit, and have fun, all the while feeling very fake. I found myself letting the alcohol take over and feeling so good, and wanting to feel that way all the time...and then when it was over, I felt as if I gave up being real, and I felt like a traitor to my authenticity. I also think I came across as distant and un-interested. I feel like I come across like that a lot, and mainly it is because I am constantly sorting out so many things in my mind.

I feel like things are going to get worse before they get better, and maybe I am just telling myself and my family that to prepare, to strengthen us for what is ahead, and if it doesn't it won't seem so bad... if it does I pray that we can keep it all together, and keep hope. I already see signs of crumbling... I keep preaching HOPE to Leah, and to everyone else, yet I am not quite buying it. I hope that I do soon.

In closing I want to say that I strive to be authentic, I want to be inspiring, I want to show my love and live outwardly, I want my friends to turn to me in need...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Confessions continued...

...I am a blog voyeur

...I spend a lot of time thinking about what I should do with my time

...I love cheese and keep trying to figure out how to eat it without getting sick!
...I am extremely, yet very quietly competitive
....I think and worry about my weight daily, yet I cannot seem to lose it...
...I journal , and then I go back and edit my private journals, in case they are found after I die
...I just wrote a confession, decided it was too personal, and deleted it