Monday, October 22, 2007

The wind of change.........

I suck at blogging... I write things, then delete them a couple of days later, thinking "That wasn't deep enough" I kept my free writing style of a summer summary up , because I needed to remember it , so I don't do that again.

This is going to be short... My life is changing, new connections, new focus, new friends, new rekindling of old friends, new hope...

To be continued...


Tim said...

Good to see the word "new" in your blog, although as you mention new and old friends--I feel like I wasn't here long enough to be among the new or old friends, so am sort of out of the loop. Looks like things are going well, although I still grieve some at the loss of your family from our little village church. I gravitate here from time to time via Kyle's blog, where he gives me a hard time once in a while :)

Sam said...

Keep up the writing. I always enjoyed reading what you had to say. I'll be back to keep you honest.