It has been forever since I posted and I thought I would just write a little bit and let you know where I am at.
This year is the eve of my 40th year of life. It has caused me to become quite reflective . There are somethings that I am feeling good about , such as being a mom. There are many challenges that come along with that. It is hard watching Leah try to figure out her life right now. She is in a position in life that she did not exactly chose. Her poor choices last year in school have forced her to do school at home. She really is a very social person, and staying home, and trying to stay motivated by herself is not faring well. She has lost some friendships from not being in the social circles at school, and does not really have much opportunities to create new friendships beyond the party crowd. She has tried to get a job, and is not having much success at that either( it would be an opportunity for her to make friends). Going back to school right now would be setting her up for failure, she doesn't even want to go because she would not graduate with her friends, and she would be in junior classes. Frankly knowing a lot of the kids at her school, socially I think they would eat her alive. She does not have a boyfriend, and thats fine with me, and she says it is fine with her also, I think it just makes her a bit more lonely, both of us have talked about not trying to find a boyfriend just to fill that gap.
Why am I sharing such intimate things about her? I feel like she really needs lifted up and surrounded by people and prayers. I just want my friends to know where she is at, it is even more emotionally complicated than I am sharing.
When you are are trying to live in community, it is vital to be authentic, and share your story, and allow each other to really know where you are at. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people that are trying to do the same.
Chel - thank you for this. Leah is on my heart and mind all the time. She is so awesome. We are praying...and loving...
We are praying for Leah - that she would find a way to feel connected again. Praying for you and the family. We love you guys!
a little update, Leah has a job interview Friday at 1:15 at the new Dunkin Doughnuts that is on 224...Thanks for the comments We love you too
Chel, I understand much of what you are going through. Olivia is in the same "school" situation. I will pray for Leah. Keep me updated on the job thing.
I don't think Leah will get the job, they hired her, but I think her poor choices will not allow her to pass the required drug test :(
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